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Printed Lanyards As A Best Branding Tool

Printed lanyards have never been this common but over the period it has gained significance. Why?

Because it helps businesses improve their business marketing strategies and has proven to be profitable in terms of business growth. Now, its impact cannot be ignored. It is considered as the best branding tool.

The question is, how? So, to answer all your hows, we have shared some popular reasons in this blog, that why lanyards are the best marketing option to opt for.

How Printed Lanyards Are the Best Marketing Option

1. You Will Get a Networking Opportunity

Lanyards are small accessories but who would have guessed, it has some bigger advantages hidden in them? Talking about business growth, you know- networking and socializing with people is a must. We feel ourselves in an awkward position when we start or get involved in a conversation suddenly. We begin to think for an instant, how to introduce ourselves. Isn’t it true?

So, here comes the usage of lanyards, it helps you get the attention of your peers. Besides, it lets people talk about you and the company which helps you gain better networking opportunities.

However, if you are planning to design some printed lanyards for your brand, then you can avail of Lanyards Printing UK services or you can check out any other online service providers.

2. Boost in Brand Identity

Having a strong brand identity is crucial for any business growth. It’s their presence which helps them in converting their leads to potential customers. It take years of hard work to establish an unforgettable brand identity.

However, you can give your brand a boost by using lanyards as a marketing tool. It is the best strategy for businesses that are looking to enhance the identity of their brand effortlessly. Hence, you can achieve this simply by distributing custom lanyards to the employees so that they can associate themselves with the business.

3. You Will Get Customer Loyalty

Loyal customers are not easy to get. For any business attaining potential customers is a foremost goal. They are crucial because they are considered the backbone of any business. Basically, they are the actual reason for the success and growth of any business.

You know, most multinational firms invest in promotional tools to achieve the loyalty of customers. However, this is not the case with local firms as they have limited resources or limited marketing budgets.

That is where the lanyards’ role comes into play. They help you achieve loyal customers for a lifetime. For instance, even, if you have small budget you can easily gift your customer’s lanyards to attain their loyalty. Because consumers actually loves these kind of gestures.

4. Best for Professional Identification

Lanyards are best for professional identification. They are best to disclose your identity subtly. You don’t need to introduce yourself to so many people. They automatically help people learn about you. How? You can pair your custom lanyards with custom ID cards. A Perfect–match.

Hence, businesses can take advantage of this by creating some unique lanyard designs for their company and handing them over to their employees. This will help their business to create an impression in the minds of others when their employees carry them.

5. Differentiate You from Competitors

It is one of the best marketing tactics to differentiate one business from another. Lanyards help you stand out from your competitors. By customizing your lanyards you can establish your unique identity.

What you can do is, print your logos or slogans on lanyards. Select such colors which are unique and set you apart from your completion. Also, you can incorporate all those elements which help your customers recognize you in a better way. For example, if you sell keys, so you can get it printed on your lanyards to showcase your brand.

6. Budget-Friendly Marketing Tool

When it comes to marketing budget, it is not always easy to divide it into multiple practices that are going on in the market or applied in industries. Hence, companies always seek marketing tools which are budget-friendly and at the same time fulfilling the purpose.

So, here comes the benefit of using lanyards as a marketing tool and making it a popular choice. Because they can be developed easily with minimal production cost. Also, it gives numerous options to companies to choose from. For example, they can select from custom polyester lanyards to custom nylon lanyards, well any stuff as per their requirement.

7. Visibility Enhancement

The last popular reason to use lanyards is the visibility enhancement of your brand. Whether a business size is small or large, a visibility factor is a must for growth purposes. Just imagine, you are selling imported bags but nobody knows about it. Then how it will help you in selling your product. It would be difficult for you. Right?

So, what businesses do, they market their product by implementing strategies like gifting lanyards or handing it over in the conferences and events. This actually help people knowing the presence of their brand and what they do.


Does lanyards have standard size or not?

Yes, lanyards do have a standard size. A standard length of lanyard is thirty six inches and standard width is three by eight inches.

How can I use lanyards?

You can use it for multiple purposes. For example, you can use lanyards to hold whistles, you can carry your id card with it, you can attach you keys with it etc.

Who invented lanyards originally?

In the late fifteenth century, lanyards usage came into practice. French soldier’s basically used them to carry their weapons. They do this to keep their weapon close to them.

Why is it necessary to twist lanyard?

It is necessary to twist lanyard because in this way you will wear it comfortably. Because the purpose of twisting is to adjust the position of lanyard directly around the neck.

What hold lanyards in a place?

Crimps hold lanyards in a place. They are made up of nickel plated metal which gives a solid grip to your lanyards.

Wrap Up!

Lanyards are the best branding tool because it help businesses in many ways. From their identity development to enhancing conversion rates, they are the cheapest marketing tool out of many. Now companies don’t need a hefty marketing budget. They can simply avail the opportunity to increase their brand visibility. Not only this, lanyards are contributing to company’s growth as well. They help customers retain the brand presence in mind which brings loyalty to the company. Besides, its variety and turnaround time is a game changer.